
Hello world, again!


Hi, folks! So I’ve finally made up my mind to move my blog out of JRoller. Now this blog is on a domain and space owned by myself, which is virtually the best solution for blogging, which is also sadly non-free.

Thanks to Feedburner, you feed reading monkeys don’t need to update your feed subscription so this should be a smooth change.

I’ll write up some more about the migration tomorrow. So here’s just a quick update. Good night:)



    Mahout in Action

    7.5 Hello World again! Trying out various distance measures 129 7.6 Summary 129 8 Representing data 130 8.1 Visualizing vectors 131 Transforming data into vectors 132 ■ Preparing vectors for use by ...


    // here we print our stopwatch again输入结果:Hello world, Simon Stopwatch: [org.javasimon.examples.HelloWorld-stopwatch INHERIT] total 0 ns, counter 0, max 0 ns, min undefResult: Simon Stopwatch: ...


    log ( 'Hello again!' ) ;还是本地人! 该库仍使用本机方法,它通过console.Console “克隆”它们,然后简单地重新构建方法,同时仍使用添加的其他功能调用相同的本机绑定。.add 将新项目推送到隐藏的数组,以后...


    再次问好世界 我的名字叫Brian,我在整理一个开发人员组合!


    1.var myObject = {} ; 2.function myObject() { ... } var newObject = new myObject(‘Hello,World!’) ; var myObject = function(msg) { alert(msg + ‘again’) ; } var newTwoObject = new myObject(‘H


    this is a great world. hello world make america great again come china come on chinese.i hava a pen i hava an apple. i love iPhone,iPhone make me happy, the life changed colorful.

    Linux 必备指令摘要,快速找到你要的命令

    突然忘了命令名字的时候顺手...echo “Hello World” ed 最普通的Editor ed textfile egrep 类似grep的字符串搜索工具 egrep keyword file grep 字符串搜索工具 grep keyword file gunzip 解压缩.gz工具 gunzip file.gz


    :spiral_shell: ShellOut ... try shellOut ( to : [ " mkdir NewFolder " , " echo \" Hello again \" > NewFolder/File " ], at : " ~/CurrentFolder " ) let output = try shellOut ( to : " cat File " , at


    这是docker-compose v2 +的示例: version : " 2 "services : tor : image : goldy/tor-hidden-service: links : - hello - world - again environment : # Set mapping ports SERVICE1_TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS :...

    The Python Quick Syntax Reference

    You won’t find jargon, bloated samples, case studies, or history of Hello World and computer theory in this handy reference. This Python syntax reference is packed with useful information and is a ...


    Then, the simplest "Hello World" app is developed step by step. In the next chapter, basics of the Java programming language are given with practical examples. Screenshots and code snippets are ...

    android-a programmer's guide

    1 What Is Android? . . . . . . . . ....Brief History of Embedded ...Try This: Create an Image-Based Hello World! in the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 7 Using Intents and the Phone Dialer . ...


    级枚举 枚举增加数字的键。 如果您枚举相同的键两次,它将枚举为相同的值。 npm install level-enumerate 用法 var enumerator = require ( 'level-enumerate' ) ... enumerate ( 'world' , function ( er


    put ( 'hello' , 'world' , function ( ) { a . createReadStream ( ) . on ( 'data' , function ( data ) { console . log ( 'a has only one' , data ) } ) } ) // call tmp again to get


    ,k中值为:5,n中的值为:3,则调用该函数的结果为:Hello World!。 (10)编写一个程序实现如下功能:调用名为tj的函数,求一个二维数组中正数、负数的代数和,以及零的个数。 (11)编写一个程序实现如下功能...


    $("<div><p>Hello</p></div>").appendTo("body"); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 创建一个 <input> 元素必须同时设定 type 属性。因为微软规定 <input> 元素...


    //输出字符串Hello!到标准输出设备(显示器)上。 cout!\n"; //输出字符串Welcome to c++! } 在屏幕输出如下: Hello! Welcome to c++! 2-4 使用关键字const而不是#define语句的好处有哪些? 解: const定义的...


    The Hello World Selector Section 12.5. Coding for Maintainability Section 12.6. More on HTML and URL Escapes Section 12.7. Sending Files to Clients and Servers Chapter 13. Larger Web Site ...


    Indeed, the fact that a simple Spring Boot Hello World application can fit into a tweet is a radical departure from what the same functionality required on the vm only a few short years ago. Out-of-...

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